Amended 05/03/2020 


  • I  NAME




















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          Copyright  2020 by Holy Spirit Ecumenical Catholic Church. All Rights Reserved




We, as baptized members of the Catholic Church of Jesus Christ, responding in faith to the call of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel, desiring to unite together to preach the Word, celebrate the sacraments, and carry out God’s mission, do hereby adopt the constitution and solemnly pledge ourselves to be governed by its provisions. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

  1. NAME

The name of this Religious Congregation shall be: Holy Spirit Ecumenical Catholic Church.(HSECC)

For purposes of this Constitution and accompanying by-laws, “Holy Spirit Ecumenical Catholic Church” is hereinafter designated as “this faith community”  Religious Congregation.

This faith community Religious Congregation HSECC  incorporated under the laws of the State of California. 


The Congregation of HSECC is an apostolic religious community of  Minister general, priests and brothers and sisters. As Minister General and priests, brothers and sisters of HSECC, we work, pray, and live united in a common religious life sharing the same history, vows, and spirituality. The culmination of our “Yes” to Christ is our profession of vows, committing our lives to Christ forever through the vows of preaching, serving, and obedience according to the Constitution of the Congregation of HSECC.

Some are called by God and through the community to serve as priests and thus, in addition to their consecration as religious, are ordained to the priesthood. Others in the HSECC are called to the vocation of brothers and sisters dedicating themselves to life in community and service to the Church. 

Together as Minister General, priests, brothers and sisters  in the HSECC we share a common life, common prayer, and participate equally in common works

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  1. Jesus Christ

    HSECC  Congregation is a Christian community that is committed to the person of Jesus Christ and to His teaching. We accept and believe the testimony of His apostles who were His disciples and the eyewitnesses of His life, death, and His resurrection from the dead. Their testimony is called the apostolic tradition which is embodied in the collected writings of the New Testament which together with the ancient Hebrew Scriptures has been passed on to the Catholic Church   founded by the same apostles.
    HSECC is an ecumenical Catholic faith community in that we celebrate a characteristically Catholic faith that is not sectarian.

  2. HistoricBackground

    Our Church is “Old Catholic” in that we derive our apostolic succession from the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands. The Catholic Church is an ecclesial body which descends from the Roman Catholic Church. Becoming independent of Roman jurisdiction over conflicts with ever-expanding papal authority, the Catholic Church of Utrecht, Holland maintained an authentic Catholic identity and a valid apostolic succession since the early 18th century. When Rome proclaimed the Dogma of Papal Infallibility in 1870, Catholic Churches were formed by conscientious Catholics in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland. Deriving their apostolic succession from the independent Catholic Church in Holland, these Catholic Churches continue to this day. Since that time, other independent Catholic Churches have come into being, many of whom derive their apostolic succession from the Catholic Church. Holy Spirit Church not only possesses a valid apostolic succession through the Catholic Church of Utrecht, but also shares with other Catholic bodies, a commitment to the foundational document known as the Declaration of Utrecht, on September 24, 1889 (see Appendix A).

  3. Sacraments

HSECC Congregation follows an authentic Catholic faith tradition in that we participate in the full sacramental ministry of the Church. The seven sacraments of the historic Catholic Church are affirmed and practiced: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, and Holy Orders (see Appendix B).



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  1. Distinctives

We, the faith community of HSECC Congregation, practice an authentic Catholic tradition with the following distinctives:

  1. The Catholics of HSECC, though recognizing the importance of the Pope and his role as a sign of unity and as an important source of leadership within the Church, reject the proclamation of the First Vatican Council (1869) promulgated by Pope Pius IX concerning the dogma of papal infallibility. We view such a dogma as being inconsistent with Catholic theology and as not being part of an authentic Catholic tradition. We see this dogma as an abuse of power that reinforces an authoritarianism within the Church which runs counter to the spirit and teachings of Jesus. The dogma of the infallibility of the Pope, though an effort to create unity within the Church, has had the opposite effect. It now stands as an immense obstacle to the unity of the Church and actually diminishes the important ministry of the Pope as the successor of Peter and as a sign of unity. At best, the dogma of papal infallibility is sectarian and not truly Catholic.

  1. The Bishops,Minister General,priests (pastors), Deacons, Brothers and Sisters of HSECC Congregation are free to marry and raise families or to remain celibate. To deny marriage to those who have an authentic vocation to the ministerial priesthood is to diminish the spiritual and psychological health and growth of the Church’s clergy.Rather than enhancing the priesthood, we weaken its potential and make our clergy vulnerable to unhealthy psychological development.

  2. HSECC Congregation, women are not denied the opportunity to respond to a genuine vocation and to participate in the ministerial priesthood. As Saint Paul writes, “there is neither Jew or Greek, slave nor free, male or female, all are one in Christ Jesus.”

  3. People who have gone through the painful experience of divorce and have chosen to remarry are not excluded from the sacramental life of the Church. Divorce is not the unforgivable sin. Therefore, a divorced person may remarry with the blessing of the Church without being required to seek a Church annulment which may be perceived as a violation of one’s privacy as well as a violation of one’s conscience.

  4. We recognize that each baptized person is an equal member of the Catholic Church. No deacon, priest or bishop owns the Church but Congregations own the church and all other charitable activities .

  5. HSECC, no baptized Christian is excluded from the sacramental ministry. All baptized Christians are invited in the worship and sacramental life of our ecumenical community


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  1. Purpose

HSECC Congregation is a Religious Catholic Congregation dedicated to the practice of a Catholic faith where all are welcome. Together we are called to realize our spirituality by living Christ’s teachings. We encounter the loving and forgiving presence of Jesus in one another and in our celebration of the sacraments. Together we endeavor to comfort and give hope to all through loving acts of kindness.

HSECC Congregation is founded by Rev. Fr. Chinnappa Madanu (HSECC  Founder and Minister General) and Serves as a Religious Catholic Priest in Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church in Orange County, C.A. Our Saint Matthew ecumenical Catholic Church is celebrating Christ’s love in all people for 35 years. With Greater inspiration from our Bishop Peter Helder Hickman, I could begin a new Congregation called Holy Spirit Ecumenical Catholic Church (HSECC) to establish Indian mission churches and begin religious ongoing formation for Priests, Brothers and Sisters. 

  1. Mission: 

“Giving Hope to the Hopeless.”

  • Through our creative missionary efforts, we make God known, loved and served in the United States, as well and around the globe.

  • We are a loving and accepting  Religious community of faith; following the teachings of Jesus, honoring the dignity and equality of each person, and restoring the Spirit in an authentic Catholic tradition. 

  • As the visible hands of Jesus Christ, we strive to serve the poorest of the poor in India and other Mission Centers.  Besides, our main focus is to establish renewal worship service churches,Orphanage For Elderly, purified water systems, and provide scholarships for poor students and orphans.

  • Our mission is to provide hope and Spiritual healing .



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  1. Vision :


                                     A drop of Water

Every bucket, every pond, every river, and every ocean started with a drop of water.

               A single road will open up many paths.

A single roof will shelter many people.

                                  A single well will feed a village.

        A single word (education) will change a life.

  • HSECC Congregation Vision is to create a positive loving environment in which abandoned and neglected children, elderly men and women  and widowed men and women  feel at home with our Loving Care and Spiritual Support.

  • We will embrace all the catholic and Christian communities to provide love and spiritual care to transform lives.

  • Everyone has the freedom to become the ministers of Christ, to ensure that all are equal in the sight of God. 

                              Our HSECC Congregation opens New Heavenly spiritual doors to enter in and receive the wisdom of God through our religious Spiritual Formations.

  • PRIESTS OF HSECC :The Priests of HSECC Congregation serve the Church as religious and as ordained priests. These “men and women with hope to bring” serve in parishes, schools, and missions through apostolic works and the Sacraments.

  • RELIGIOUS BROTHERS   AND SISTERS OF HSECC :The Brothers  and Sisters of HSECC congregation contribute boldly and broadly to the apostolic work of the Congregation around the world. They are an integral part of HSECC communities and the HSECC family as “educators in the faith.”


Every brother and sister given by God to the brotherhood and Sisterhood brings it joy, and it will be great  to renew himself / herself in the spirit of our vocation.

  1. Postulancy

         The postulancy is the first period of initiation when one makes the choice to adopt our life.



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During this period, the postulant comes to know our life and makes a further and more careful discernment of his / her vocation. For its part, the Community comes to know the postulant better and ascertains the growth of his human maturity, especially affective maturity, and his ability to discern his life and the signs of the times according to the Gospel.


The postulant, therefore, must be helped in particular to deepen his/her life of faith. To this end, the formation of the postulants is chiefly aimed at completing their catechesis in the faith, introducing them to the liturgical life, to the methods and experience of prayer, the study of our Congregation heritage, to life in brother/Sister, and to an initial experience of apostolic work.


  1. Novitiate :  

our religious life, particularly through a special experience of faith, contemplative prayer Period one year.

The process of initiation during the novitiate is based on the values of our consecrated life as known and lived in the light of the example of Christ, the gospel insights of the founder, and the sound traditions of the Congregation.


The novitiate shall be in harmony with the primary aspects of our religious life, particularly through a special experience of faith, contemplative prayer, life in brother/Sister, contact with the poor, and hard work and rendering their Service at Orphanages.


The direction of the novices, under the authority of the Minister General, is reserved to the novice master alone, who must be a professed brother/Sister of the Order in perpetual vows.


In order to be valid, the novitiate must comprise 12 months spent in the novitiate community itself. The minister, with the consent of his council, determines when it begins and how it is conducted.


An absence from the novitiate house that exceeds three months, either continuous or intermittent, renders the novitiate invalid. An absence that exceeds fifteen days must be made up. All the other requirements of universal law in respect of the novitiate must be diligently observed.

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At the end of Novitiate Brother /Sister receives Religious consecration of temporary profession and concludes with Novitiate. After the Completing period of Novitiate Brother /Sister Progress further in maturity and prepare themselves to make a definitive choice of the gospel life in our Congregation called one year period of Regency.


When the novitiate has been completed and the suitability of the novice has been ascertained, a temporary profession of vows is made for a period determined by the minister with the novice himself, to be renewed freely until perpetual profession. 


When the period for which temporary profession was made is completed, a Brother/Sister may leave the congregation. For a valid reason, the competent minister, after he has consulted his council, may exclude him from renewal of temporary vows or decline to admit him to perpetual profession.


Our religious  Dress Code  is given during the celebration of first profession, even though the novices may have previously received “the clothes of probation.”


For a serious reason allowing no delay, the master of novices or postulants has the same faculty, but with the consent of the local council. The appropriate minister must be notified immediately of this action.


While engaged in studies, therefore, let the brothers develop their hearts and minds in such a way that, in keeping with the intention of our Founder , they grow in their vocation. In fact, formation for any type of work is an integral part of our religious life.


The brothers  and sisters who are called to sacred orders must be trained in accordance with the norms laid down by the Congregation, taking into account the character of our brothers and  Sisters. The consent of the  Minister General is required for the reception of sacred orders.


  1. Religious Congregation dress code HSECC

Our  Religious Congregation Dress Code for Founder (Minister General) according to the Congregation and custom of the Order, consists of a Cassock, White in colour, Zucchetto, a  Black band cincture with three  red  crosses reminding of our Congregation Religious Vows of  Preaching and Serving and Obedience.

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Our  Religious Congregation Dress Code  for  Priests and Brothers and pastors according to the Congregation and custom of the Order , consists of a Cassock , White in colour , a  Black Cord with three Notes reminding of our Congregation Religious Vows of  Preaching and Serving and Obedience.

Our  Religious Congregation Dress Code  for  Sisters according to the Congregation and custom of the Order , consists of Saree and Churidar pajama with three  Red Crosses reminding of our Congregation Religious Vows of  Preaching and Serving and Obedience (particular Colour will be chosen according to the culture).


  1. Ongoing Priestly Formation of HSECC Sacred Scripture(Theology) three and half years.

Priestly formation begins in the seminary; it does not end there. Properly understood, is a life-long process. It is a process involving every aspect of our priestly lives and ministry. We are priests from the day of our ordination; but we grow into priesthood progressively, just as we grow into personal holiness. We grow into priesthood through our cooperation with divine grace, which culminates for us in the sacramental grace of our ordination. The Synod of Bishops on priestly formation in 1990 stressed that the foundation of all priestly formation is “contained in the dynamism of the Sacrament of Holy Orders”. We create space for God’s grace to expand into all aspects of our personality through our prayer, our celebration of the Eucharist, our prayerful reading of holy scripture, our fidelity to daily praying of the Prayer of the Church. We create this space also by our Spiritual care of our people, our relations with our Minister General and our fellow priests of men and women, Brothers, Sisters, with our lay collaborators,  friends and with our own family. We enlarge that space also by our reading of theology and what used to be called our ‘spiritual reading’.

Life-long learning is now seen as essential for adequate performance in almost any occupation. Although priesthood is a calling which is unique and which cannot be simply classed with other careers or professions, nevertheless ongoing formation is equally essential for effective exercise of priestly ministry.

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Of all the qualities required in priestly ministry, and therefore also in formation for ministry, the most essential is personal holiness. All programmes and resources for priestly formation should be such as to conduce to personal holiness. This includes reading and refresher courses in theology and in sacred scripture. Theology is itself a fruit of the prayerful study of God’s self-revelation, and of the prayerful reflection on holy scripture practised by the Church across the ages: this latter is what we call tradition. Karl Rahner said that what the Church today needs above all is “theology on its knees”. Theology is the servant of faith. Theology is a search for the mind of the Church which is one with the mind of Christ.

This was the kind of theology which, through Yves Congar and Henri de Lubac and Hans Urs von Balthasar and others inspired the Second Vatican Council and led to one of the great periods of renewal in the Church’s history. That renewal is still in progress. That kind of theology is still active and fruitful in the Church . No other kind of theology is truly life-giving. Personal reading in theology is imperative. Sharing of such reading with one’s colleagues is helpful. Many refresher courses in theology and sacred scripture are available at diocesan and national or international level. Informal meetings of clergy, whether at vicariate or deanery level or under the auspices of one or other spiritual movement or Community of clergy, are very helpful.


  1. The Discernment Process for Ordination to the Priesthood in the HSECC Congregation

All Christians are called to ministry by the Holy Spirit who calls us and empowers us to serve. One ministry among many in the Episcopal Church is priesthood. Because of the unique role of a priest, each Diocese of the Episcopal Church is given the responsibility to discern and support those called into this ministry. The discernment process presented here is the outcome of many conversations with clergy and laity. In these conversations we recognized that, at a time when there is a decreasing number of stipendiary positions available for priests, it is poor stewardship to encourage the formation of more clergy than the Church needs. In addition, we heard a desire to create a discernment process that is flexible, nimble, and balanced in its response to an individual’s sense of call and the Episcopal Church’s leadership needs. We recognize that the ministry of priests has changed, and clergy need new skills and qualities to serve our congregations well. The central focus of the discernment process for ordination to the priesthood is not whether an individual is called to ministry, since by baptism God has called all of us to minister. Rather, the principal focus of discernment concerns how closely an individual’s gifts and experience match the unique challenges of priestly ministry in this time and place. We pray for the Spirit’s guidance in all states of this process, and we trust that the process will continue to evolve over time.



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  1. Qualities We Seek in a Priest

Our ordained leaders collectively will be multicultural and racially diverse, to reflect the breadth of humanity represented in our mission area. They will be mission-focused, entrepreneurial, collaborative, and adaptive. The qualities described here are not exhaustive — nor are these qualities exclusive to priestly ministry. 


They are the result of much discernment and many conversations amidst clergy, lay leaders, congregations, and other dioceses. We do not expect every candidate for the priesthood to exhibit all of these qualities, but we do expect them to exhibit most of them. Our discernment process will focus on discerning the presence, or the seeds of presence, of these qualities and abilities in each candidate.

  • Compelling spiritual life and a passion for the Gospel: There is great spiritual hunger in the culture at large and in our congregations. The HSECC seeks clergy who love God with heart, mind, and soul, and who know Christ and seek to make Christ known. Our clergy will have a vision for the Churches ministry and how to guide our people to greater faithfulness and spiritual depth. They will have both a deep reverence for the sacraments at the heart of our liturgical life and a sacramental worldview in which outward and visible things reveal inward and invisible truths.

  • Ability to communicate the Gospel in ways that people and communities find engaging and relevant to their lives: Communication is multi-faceted. Today’s clergy need to speak several “languages,” both human and technological, from the pulpit, in personal conversation and in social media. They are called to minister in a wide variety of contexts, among all sorts of people. There is a particular, urgent need to reach younger generations—families raising children, teenagers and young adults—as well as the ability to be an effective spiritual presence among our fastest growing demographic, those over the age of 75.

  • Spiritual maturity, self-awareness, and authenticity: The work of the HSECC Congregation priesthood is challenging. It requires a strong spiritual center, physical and mental stamina, healthy personal boundaries, and a willingness to grow and learn alongside others. Effective clergy must be able to persevere in challenging circumstances, recognize their personal growth edges, and be willing to learn new skills and ask for help.

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  • Ability to lead, organize, and equip others in ministry: Many people are drawn to the priesthood for the love of ministry—pastoral care, teaching, service, and speaking out for justice. The predominant model of ministry in most Catholic churches is that of one minister (the priest) ministering to all the people, or at the center of the Church’s ministry. HSECC seeks a new paradigm of clergy able to equip others for meaningful Christian lives and vocations, inviting others into the life of Christian community and ministry. It will require community organizing skills and the ability to identify and mentor new leaders.

  • Entrepreneurial leadership: We seek individuals who are able to take risks and try new things in ministry. Twenty-first century clergy need creativity, the capacity to discern new paths, and the willingness to make mistakes and learn from them. Entrepreneurial leaders see opportunities where others see decline; possibilities where others see insurmountable challenges.

  • The ability to lead congregations through change: The HSECC congregations face significant adaptive challenges. This generation of clergy will lead our congregations through the wilderness of life as it has been to the Promised Land to which God calls us. As with our spiritual ancestors, there is a process of transformation required of us on the journey, as well as the ability to adapt to new ways of being the Church. Our clergy will lead the way, in faithfulness to God’s call and in the challenging work of change.

  • A willingness and ability to be vocationally flexible: 

  • Our HSECC Congregation is in a variety of contexts in a variety of locations with a variety of needs. Our clergy will need to respond to this variety with their own flexibility. Few are likely to serve in one role at one type of church in one city for their entire vocation. In addition, a growing number of congregations require clergy leaders that do not depend on them for their entire livelihood. Thus, we need some priests who can offer their presence and their gifts as priests in a part-time or non-stipendiary capacity. Our clergy will demonstrate flexibility in their vision of professional ministry in order to respond to God’s call to them and the church in our world.


Members are HSECC those who identify themselves as members, participate in liturgies and church activities, contribute in some way to the community, and have built relationships with other community members. The number of registered adult members in the community determines the number of HSECC.




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(HSECC) House of Laity (HOL) delegates. Registered members are all those who meet the following requirements: (i) are over 18 years of age who attend services; (ii) have contributed money or other services provided to the community; and (iii) are listed on the HSECC  membership email distribution and/or mailing lists.


  1. Clergy

It shall be the responsibility of all the clergy to:

  1. Provide spiritual leadership to the faith communities they serve.

  2. Ensure the healthy development and growth of all faith communities

    according to the doctrine and theology of the Ecumenical Catholic Community.

  3. Ensure the church decisions and actions reflect the distinctives and the

    purpose and mission stated in Articles II and III of this Constitution.

  1. Priest

A priest is an ordained Minister who is the spiritual leader of a faith community. Priests Are under the authority of a bishop, and are responsible for the spiritual life of the faith community. 

The Priest shall:

  1. Oversee and guide the activities of all clergy in their parish responsibilities.

  2. Oversee and approve the liturgical programs of the parish.

  3. Assist in the budgeting and business planning of the parish.

  4. Supervise the Parish Administrator and/or Business Office Manager.

  5. Develop and maintain relationships with all the members of the faith community.

While priests are responsible for the general wellbeing of their parish, their areas of special authority in their parish are theological, spiritual and liturgical.



The Minister General (Founder) is the decision-making body of the congregation.

In every Province there will be four Council members. In every community there will be a superior ( President) , Assistant superior( Secretary) and Business Office Manager for the good functioning of the Community .

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       A. Eligibility: The minimum requirements to serve on the  Congregation Board are:

  1. Congregation member for at least three years.

  2. Must have served on a Parish ministry team for three years, or given similar active service to the parish.

B. Responsibilities:

  1. Attend the  Congregation retreat(s) during Member term.

  2. Attend and participate in all monthly meetings or notify the Priest( Superior) or (Moderator) in advance.

  3. Review and approve Congregation minutes prior to each meeting.

  4. Serve on a Congregation team during the Council office term.

C. Term:

HSECC Congregation member will serve a period of Three Years in one community and according to the need one may continue to serve  one more term. Since it is the beginning of HSECC  Congregation First Year one Serves for a period of One year  and they may be re-elected for the Next  Two Terms for the Period of One Year . The terms are usually staggered among the members such that one member completes the term and is replaced by another new  selected member or reelected the same one .There is no limit to the number of terms one may serve for the good of the Congregation.

D. Appointment of the Members:

Council member selection is performed according to the following steps:

  1. Prior to September, the HSECC  Congregation will compile a list of all Community members who meet the eligibility requirements to serve on the Congregation.

  2. The Minister General shall review the list and remove any names, based on the Minister General’s privileged information about the Congregation which would cause them to be ineligible.

  3. Prior to the September on congregation meeting, the reviewed list shall be presented to the Minister General. The revised list will be prioritized to include one candidate and alternates. By October 31st the Minister general shall approach each of the selected candidates to ask if they are willing to serve in the Local Community and congregation. If any refuse, then the alternates shall take their place in the selection process, until one candidate who agrees to serve is found.


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  E. Duties of the Superior (President) or (Moderator):

The duties of the President ( Moderator) include, but are not limited to:

  1. Scheduling and notifying members of Congregation meetings.

  2. Assembling and distributing Congregation meeting agendas and minutes.

  3. Moderating meetings.

  4. Communicating to the Members all issues regarding the Meeting, including
    participation and attendance of the members

  5. Administering the voting process within the meeting.

  6. Delegating tasks to the Vice President or other members

  7. Facilitating the annual Retreat in January.

  8. Preparing and scheduling retreats, as needed.

  9. Calling upon Ministry teams to submit annual budgets.

  10. Facilitating nominations for new member.

  11. Ensuring each Ministry team has a liaison on the Congregation.

  12. Ensuring Congregation members fulfill their responsibilities during
    the term.

  13. Building and Property maintenance : To ensure the proper maintenance, repair and protection of all the property of HSECC  to provide both long and short-term plans for property maintenance, repair and improvement.

  14. Communication and Public Relations: Through a diversity of media, to create an awareness of HSECC Congregation on local and national levels and to assure appropriate communication within our community.


F. Duties of Assistant Superior (Secretary):

The duties of the Assistant Moderator shall include:

  1. Ensuring that minutes are taken at each Council meeting.

  2. Assuming Moderator responsibilities in the absence of the President (Moderator).

  3. Coordinating an orientation meeting for new congregation Board members at the end of the Term.

  4. Planning and coordinating the Congregation annual retreat held in the new
    Year month of January.

  5. Completing other tasks as delegated by the President.



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G. The Business Office Manager is authorized to:

    1. Negotiate and bid all contractual services, to be presented to the Congregation Community for final approval.

    2. Act as business liaison to financial institutions and business associations.

    3. Implement the approved congregation budget.

    4. Prepare and distribute financial reports, as required.

    5. Make purchases within amount limits set by the Congregation.

    6. Building and Property maintenance in the absence of the President : To ensure the proper maintenance, repair and protection of all the property of HSECC  to provide both long and short-term plans for property maintenance, repair and improvement.


H. Vacancies:

Vacancies on the  Congregation community shall be filled using the same method as appointing community members. The new community member will serve the remaining term of the departing community member. The Congregation members shall make their nomination at the first Council meeting after the vacancy occurs. The Minister general shall approach the selected candidate before the next Congregation meeting.

A selected candidate who agrees to serve shall attend that next  Congregation meeting.


I. Frequency of Meetings:

The Congregation shall meet  alternatively on every   second month,on Second Sunday at 2:00 PM at  our office on a mutually agreed upon date. Meetings may be added or rescheduled by the Secretary  or Minister General (priest).

Annual Congregation Meeting will be in the month of December ,second sunday at 2:00 PM at our Office.


J. Meeting Procedures:

At least one week prior to each meeting, the community  members shall notify the President (Moderator) of any issues they wish to discuss at the meeting. The President (Moderator) shall prepare a meeting agenda and deliver it to the rest of the community members prior to the meeting. The President shall conduct the meeting according to the agenda order of business. Decisions shall be made according to the modified Robert’s Rules of Order. In the event of a tie, the Minister General (Priest) shall cast the deciding vote.


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Decisions, in order to be recognized, require that a quorum of the community, either in person or by proxy, be present. A quorum is a simple majority of the community members. A proxy must be in writing, to include e-mail or FAX. Unless otherwise stated, a simple majority of votes cast is required to carry a motion. Abstentions shall be recorded; however, abstentions are not considered a vote.

If a quorum is not available, any decision votes shall be postponed until the next meeting at which a quorum is present.


K. Order of the Board meeting.

 Congregation community meeting agendas shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Opening prayer.

  2. Mission statement and meeting objectives.

  3. Approve minutes of prior meeting.

  4. Old Business.

  5. New Business.

  6. Report from the Parish Pastor.

  7. Reports from Standing Ministry Teams.

  8. Closing prayer.

L. Removal of a Community Member:

  1. A Community member may be relieved of his/her duties pursuant to Article XII of
    the Constitution.

  1. In addition, a Community member may be removed for cause including, but not

    limited to, the following:

  1. Behavior that is not consistent or representative of the mission of the Congregation.

  2. Behavior that is in direct opposition to the vision of the Congregation; continuously undermining the objectives of the Congregation.

  3. Absence in excess of three (3) meetings per year, including retreats.

  1. The Minister General and Priest shall be responsible for the counseling of a Community member.

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  1. Removal of a Congregation Community member requires a 2/3 vote of the province (Diocese) Council and Final decision will be taken by the minister General.  The seats shall be filled according to Article I, Section H, Vacancies of the By-Laws.



  1. HSECC  Minister General decision-making authority is distributed as follows

       Minister General is the Higher Authority of the Congregation of HSECC.   

    • May call special meetings of the congregation.

    • Direct meetings according to parliamentary rules of order, keeping meetings running smoothly, speedily and efficiently, assisting in discernment of God’s will.

    • Encourage each Congregation  member to perform his or her duty according to good order and Christian principles.

    • Decide in the event of a long discussion whether the issue should be referred for further study.

    • Represent the congregation in matters of business and sign or countersign all legal documents.

    • Assist in preparing the agenda for council and congregation meetings.

    • Uphold the constitution and bylaws and ensure policies are being followed.

    • Write an annual report of Congregation activities for annual meetings.

    • Attend and support synod and church wide activities that would benefit from representation of Congregation members.

    • Assist in solving problem areas as they occur.

    • Support and advise Congregation members as needed.

    • Be administratively responsible for the operation of all parts of the congregation’s program.



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    • Try to make sure that each committee and board is functioning properly.

  • During a priest vacancy, serve as liaison between the congregation and a designated priest as well as the synod.

  • During a priest vacancy, work with the synod regarding necessary administrative submissions, such as trend (parochial) reports, etc.

  • Recognize and seek synod advice and assistance in managing congregational matters beyond the Province council’s expertise.

  • Ensure congregational participation at synod assemblies.

  • Ensure that congregational processes and procedures are documented.

  • HSECC founder as long as he is alive he is the decision maker for the Congregation and its developments .

  • HSECC founder elects the next successor  (Minister General) with help of congregation advice and listening to the Holy Spirit guidance . 


  1. Priest

Subject to approval of the Ministeral General the Priest is the decision-maker in these areas:

  1. Management of the parish clergy. The Pastor shall have authority to dismiss any parish clergy and shall make recommendations to the Minister General and Parish Council for priest and deacon candidates.

  2. Approval and oversight of liturgical programs and initiatives within the Parish.

  3. Maintenance and enhancement of the spiritual and theological direction of the Parish.

  4. Veto authority on nominations to Parish Council and Parish Ministry Teams.


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A diocese is an independent group of missions and Churches under one unified cooperation. Typically, a Diocese is led by a Minister General who has authority over the members of the Congregation.



The steps in selecting a new Priest are as follows:

  1. The Minister general appoints congregation members according to  the need.

  2. The Minister General Performs the search for potential candidates and sends to different missions Churches.



  1. In the event that all attempts at reconciliation have failed, the following criteria apply:

      1. Incompetence.

      2. Unconstitutional behavior.

      3. Abuse of power.

      4. Physical or mental health/emotional health.

      5. Doctrinal misconduct.

      6. Criminal conduct.

B. Conditions

To remove the Priest, all the following conditions must be met:

    1. Two-thirds vote of the full Congregation Council, in favor of removing the

    2. A special meeting shall be called of all adult Parish members. Of the
      members attending the meeting, a majority vote in favor of removing the Priest




Denial of the Christian faith, conduct unbecoming of a member of the Church or persistent trouble-making in this congregation are sufficient causes for discipline of a member. Prior to disciplinary action, the matter will be brought up before the Congregation Council and reconciliation will be attempted, proceeding through these successive steps in accordance with Matthew 18:15-17:

  1. Private admonition by the Priest.

  2. Admonition by the Priest in the presence of two Congregation Council members.

  3. If the above steps fail, the Minister general will ask the member to leave the Congregation.



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In the event that the Congregation is dissolved as an entity, its assets are dispersed as specified by the Congregation Articles of Incorporation: once all debts and obligations are paid, the remainder of the Congregation assets must be donated to a similar non-profit entity. The Minister General and Congregation board shall decide where to donate the remaining assets .



    Amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted by a Congregation Minister General to the full Board members one month prior to the board meeting in which the amendment(s) shall be voted on

  1. Voting

    Adoption of an amendment shall require a favorable vote of 2/3 of the full
    Board members . Votes may be made in absentia. 

  2. Implementation
    An adopted amendment shall take effect immediately unless otherwise
    resolved by the Congregation. 

  1. Ratification
    Initial ratification of the Constitution and By-laws, or complete replacement of the Constitution and By-laws, shall require a favorable vote of 2/3 of the full Board members and the assent of the Minister General-Priest.


                                          APPENDIX A




  1. We adhere faithfully to the Rule of Faith laid down by St. Vincent of Lerins in these terms: “id teneamus, ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est; hoc est etenim vere proprieque catholicum.” For this reason, we persevere in professing the faith of the primitive Church, as formulated in the ecumenical symbols and specified precisely by the unanimously accepted decisions of the Ecumenical Councils held in the undivided Church of the first thousand years.

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  1. We therefore reject the decrees of the so-called Council of the Vatican, which were promulgated on July 18th, 1870 concerning the infallibility and the universal Episcopate of the Bishop of Rome, decrees which contradict the faith of the ancient Church, and which destroy its ancient canonical constitution by attributing to the Pope the plenitude of ecclesiastical powers over all Dioceses and over all the faithful. By denial of his primatial jurisdiction we do not wish to deny the historic primacy which several Ecumenical Councils and the Fathers of the ancient Church have attributed to the Bishop of Rome by recognizing him as the Primus inter pares.

  2. We also reject the dogma of the Immaculate Conception promulgated by Pius IX in 1854 in defiance of the Holy Scriptures and in contradiction to the tradition of the first centuries.

  3. As for other Encyclicals published by the Bishops of Rome in recent times –for example, the Bulls Unigenitus and Auctorem fidei, and the Syllabus of 1864 – we reject them on all such points as are in contradiction of the doctrine of the primitive Church, and we do not recognize them as binding on the conscience of the faithful. We also renew the ancient protest of the Catholic Church of Holland against the errors of the Roman Curia, and against its attacks upon the rights of national Churches.

  4. We refuse to accept the decrees of the Council of Trent in matters of discipline, and as for the dogmatic decisions of that Council, we accept them only so far as they are in harmony with the teaching of the primitive Church.

  5. Considering that the Holy Eucharist has always been the true central point of Catholic worship, we consider it our duty to declare that we maintain with perfect fidelity the ancient Catholic doctrine concerning the Sacrament of the Alta, by believing that we receive the Body and the Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ under the species of bread and wine. The Eucharistic celebration in the Church is neither a continual repetition nor a renewal of the expiratory sacrifice which Jesus offered once for all upon the Cross, and it is the act by which we represent upon earth and appropriate to ourselves the one offering which Jesus Christ makes in Heaven, according to the Epistle to the Hebrews ix. 11, 12, for the salvation of redeemed humanity, by appearing for us in the presence of God (Heb. Ix. 24). The character of the Holy Eucharist being thus understood, it is, at the same time, a sacrificial feast, by means of which the faithful, in receiving the Body and Blood of our Saviour, enter into communion with one another (I Cor. X. 17).

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  1. We hope that Catholic theologians, in maintaining the faith of the undivided Church, will succeed in establishing an agreement upon all such questions that have caused controversy ever since the Churches became divided. We exhort the priests under our jurisdiction to teach, both by preaching and by the instruction of the young, especially the essential Christian truths professed by all the Christian confessions, to avoid, in discussing controversial doctrines, any violation of truth or charity, and in word and deed to set an example to the members of our churches in accordance with the spirit of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

  2. By maintaining and professing faithfully the doctrine of Jesus Christ, by refusing to admit those errors which by the fault of men have crept into the Catholic Church, by laying aside the abuses in ecclesiastical matters, together with the worldly tendencies of hierarchy, we believe that we shall be able to combat efficaciously the great evils of our day, which are unbelief and indifference in matters of religion.


                                              APPENDIX B


  1. Baptism – The rite of entrance or initiation into the Christian community. In the waters of baptism we are washed clean of sin. Buried with Christ in the mystery of His death, we rise with Him to a new way of life.


  2. Confirmation – Through the anointing with oils and the laying on of hands, the Bishop or Priest confers the Holy Spirit upon a Christian. In receiving the Spirit, a Christian is strengthened with the charismata, the gift of grace, in order to participate in the continuing saving ministry of Christ in the Church.


  3. Holy Eucharist – The celebration through which we renew and participate inChrist’s birth, sacrificial death, resurrection and ascension into Heaven.During this celebration, we receive the actual Body and Blood of Christ, given to us under the forms of bread and wine, for our continuing spiritual nourishment and growth.


  4. Reconciliation – Along with Catholic and other Christian communities, we acknowledge that a sincere prayer of sorrow to our God will bring the response of His forgiveness. We also believe that Christ left us a special sacrament which is a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ and His loving forgiveness. Also called the sacrament of penance, reconciliation can be celebrated in two ways:

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    1. Individual absolution is usually preceded by a Christian’s confession of personal sins in the presence of a Priest. The Priest’s prayer of forgiveness or absolution is said for each sincere penitent, at which time the penitent’s sins are forgiven.

    2. General absolution is sacramental absolution, given at one time, to a large number of people, especially when the number of penitents is too great to allow for individual confession of sins.


  1. Anointing of the Sick – Consists of the anointing of ill or injured members of the Christian community with oil and prayers for their healing and forgiveness. The effects of this sacrament are strength and peace for the Christian in the face of his illness, and physical  healing and recovery according to God’s will.


  1. Marriage – Two people join their two lives together into one. This sacrament is administered by the two partners themselves, with the Priest or Deacon acting as a witness on behalf of God and the Church. The Holy Spirit breathesGod’s own love into the couple’s love, so that each becomes a grace for the other.

  2. Holy Orders – Is the sacrament through which the Church sets aside people for the special service of ministry to the Christian community. This sacramental act is called ordination. There are three ranks or orders in the ministry of the Church. They are Deacon, Priest, and Bishop.

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